The story of Bohemian Goddess

The story of Bohemian Goddess

Since I was a child, I'd always been dreaming about flying. There was something about the air element and how it called me. I longed for freedom, the sense of flow and weightlessness. I believe there was a part of me that never forgot my true wild and free essence.

I’ve also always been noticing stones and feathers, picking them up and bringing them home as my treasures, but it was much later when I realised for the first time that feathers have actually a deeper meaning for me, hence why I've tattooed a feather on my foot too, as a symbol of them and the air element under my feet.

First time I came to Bali in 2018, I instantly felt I'd come home and next year 2019 when I was back again I received a clear message of Bohemian Goddess and creating feather jewlery to empower women. I had never done anything like this before, however the message and guidance was so clear, I didn't hesitate at all and to my delight I found out soon, the path was already set. I just needed to choose it and say yes - and so I did.

It took me six months to plan and connect the dots and I launched Bohemian Goddess in October 2019, with my first collection of 4 ear pieces and 2 hair clips.

It was truly a magical process!

This is such a beautiful divine example of what can happen, when you're completely open to receive, aligned with your purpose and ready to surrender to whatever wants to flow through you.

There is mostly flow and in case of some challenges, they're there to be solved and it's just fine-tuning your path.

This is the story of how Bohemian Goddess manifested into physical form. It's a story of inner guidance, divine remembrance, alignment, purpose and love for the divine feminine within all of us.

Now, after seeing countless sisters wearing these creations, I look in awe and understand why it was supposed to happen! Women seem to grow an inch looking like they've just replaced their missing crown. To me it looks like a homecoming, a remembrance.

Sending love and blessings from Bali. 


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