Time for a reintroduction
My name is Sara. I’m the owner and designer of Bohemian Goddess which was born in 2019, in Bali.
Believe it or not, I actually started off as a nurse working in health care for 10 years. However, holistic health and natural healthy living from a preventative perspective is still a significant part of my life and values.
I realized in order for me to be healthy, happy, fulfilled and ultimately as free as possible, I needed to release myself from the western high pace toxic energy run society and create a heart-lead path of my own outside of the limiting projections of patriarchy. I quit my job and became a fulltime soulpreneur in 2017.
Today I also work as a Trauma informed Somatic Educator for women. I do 1:1 coaching, facilitate group workshops & retreats. I’m also a forever devotee of the feminine, the Goddess, ”She” who is my inspiration for everything I do.
Earlier on my path I was led to Bali for inner healing of my own in 2018. The first steps I took on this sacred land of Gods and Goddesses, I felt I’d come home, but not just physically. Mama Bali helped me find my way back home within, into my body, reconnecting to my own feminine nature, my true essence, embodying my inner Goddess🌹
So, one of my deep heartfelt messages is to trust yourself, follow your heart, what truly inspires and excites you the most!
What gets your heart beating?
What makes your body tingle?
What sparks your being and sets your soul on fire? I don’t mean just a little, but 110%, even if it’s a bit scary too!
I believe we all have unique gifts and a sacred purpose which we’ve come on Earth to fulfill. Whatever it is that makes us feel ALIVE, is part of our divine design and purpose. To me fulfilling our wildest dreams is part of this.
We’ve not come here to be small, but to bloom as the wildflowers and Goddesses that we are.
Bohemian Goddess is created for women, by women, to inspire, empower and liberate.
Thank you from my heart to yours, for being here gorgeous!
Love, from Bali,